Tuesday, 29 October 2013

A Walk on the Wild Side...

I left you in Fort William, having just come off a mountain, quite a lot seems to have happened since then...

Headed back south via a night and a day in Glasgow.  Got well and truly Rennie Mackintoshed.  Didn't get stopped from getting home by a storm, which was nice. Didn't get too affected by the storm at all; a few trees interrupting my cycle into work, and some power lines in a river.  Standard. 

Here's a confession, I didn't see Jerusalem. I missed it both times. Boo. So Mojo was my first Jez Butterworth play. I enjoyed it - the acting was immense as you'd expect from that cast - but I'm not certain that I got it. 

And Lou Reed died. Everywhere has been chock full of tributes and whatever I say (as a British Gen X-er who didn't form a band after peeling slowly and seeing) really won't amount to much, but you know... 


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