Saturday, 21 September 2013

Don't Mockingjay me, Higson

Bloomin' love teen fiction.

I've been reading The Dead.  I read it in the wrong order; I read book 2 first, then 3 and 4.  Just finished 1 this morning - turns out it's not too bad an order to read them in.  Maybe 2,3,1,4 would have been better.  All I know is that I've bought wholesale into this universe that's been created, I can't think of a (series of) book(s) where I've cared as much about so many of the characters (Not Pure, It comes close, but I think I read the first two too far apart - although to say I'm not a bit excited about Burn would be a lie. Not HG, wildly addictive story but all the characters are idiots. Potter at a push? His Dark Materials maybe? Stuff I read decades ago like LotR and Narnia? Nope, I'm all out) and I'm itching to see what happens next.

Fortunately, The Fallen came out this week, I think it's going to follow from where Book 1 left off. I'd say I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a book, but I can, to the day, 24th August 2010. You better not be Mockingjaying me, Higson...

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