Saturday, 20 July 2013

One of the Main Ones

I saw my first Pinter play - Pinter's one of the main ones right? I didn't get it.  It was the Hothouse - The John Simm / Simon Russell Beale one, so about as high quality as a cast gets - didn't get it. Didn't get the point of it, didn't really get the plot (although I think that that perhaps is the point of it), didn't like any of the characters.  Can someone explain it please?  Or should I have just started with the Birthday Party, rather than being lured in by a starry, starry cast?

What I did get was the final part in the Cornetto Trilogy:  Three Colours Mint or whatever it's called.  There'll be reviews all over everywhere for it this weekend so I'll just say it was a lot of fun and leave it at that.

Talking of films, just seen the trailer for Ender's Game. I'm currently reading the novel. It's actual proper sci-fi. Not certain I've ever actually read proper deep space science fiction before (I tried - lots of people seem to rate William Gibson, Philip K Dick and Iain M Banks, didn't get more than 30 pages into any of them before I dismissed them), I was pretty embarrassed about reading it with its planets on the cover - had to hide it inside a copy of Fifty Shades - but I'm quite enjoying it and looking forward to the Hollywoodisation of it.  Guessing it will be a 12a, everything's a 12a nowadays, all the gritty edges taken off films so that the Man can sell more tickets. Boo.  Still holding out for an 18 cert for Catching Fire, think I might be out of luck.  Sadface.  

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