Tuesday, 21 May 2013

More Rained Against than Raining

I was going to call this "Paris When it Drizzles" - the wordplay pleased me - but it would be inaccurate, it didn't drizzle it was full on rain. Rain rain rain. The sort of rain that lets you know it's raining.  Still Paris was pretty good on the whole.  Didn't get to the Musee D'Orsay due to unnecessary queue lengths, and the general meandering was cut a bit short by the aforementioned inclement weather, but apart from that all pretty Parisien, which is no bad thing.

Continued by Peter Nichols fest by going to see A Day in the Death of Joe Egg over in Kingston.  How comes I've never been to Kingston before? It's both quaint and bustling at the same time.  Pleasantly impressed. Play wasn't bad either, nice mix of zany and borderline taboo edginess.

Whilst we're talking plays - and this will lose me some culture points - I didn't get King Lear.  For a play that's often lauded as being The Best Tragedy I just found it boring.  Does that make me a bad person?

Just checked out my blog stats - I'm trending in Malaysia and Indonesia right now.  Guess there's a Peter Nichols revival there too...

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