Friday, 12 April 2013


I like Aswan.  It's a bit more chilled out than either Cairo or Luxor.  By which I mean there's a lot less dudes with guns, which is quite a relief.  i get the feeling I'm not great for Africa. Aside from a couple of weekends in Morocco I've had three proper holidays in Africa; the main destinations of the first two - Zimbabwe and Mali - went absolutely nuts as soon as I left and this Egypt place seems to be absolutely on a knife edge.

Went to the temple of Philae (the one on the island).  Now don't get me wrong, all these temples are proper old (this one's a comparative baby dating back only to Roman times; but all the biggies date back to 1400BC, except the pyramids which add an extra millennium and a bit to that) and it's amazing that they managed to do what they did, and even more so that it's lasted so long but they do get a bit samey after a while, what with all these Pharoahs (that look the same) giving gifts to all these gods (that look essentially the same as the Pharoahs, give or take the odd animal head).

I feel a little bit hieroglyphicked out...

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