Sunday, 17 March 2013

Tired of Sal Tlay Ka Siti? Tired of Life...

Just had the sort of weekend (well 27 hour window) that you can only have in London - absolutely jam packed.  Let's do this chronologically:

Peter and Alice: Dame Judy Dench and Pingu from nathanbarley in a play about the real Peter Pan meeting the real Alice in Wonderland. Sounds bloomin' ace.  Hadn't really looked into it (much like when I went to see Bingo last year and was expecting a comedy about a clown); let's just say it was gloomier than I expected and move on.

Kangaroo burgers at Borough Market.

Old Operating Theatre: I'd never been before - I'd seen it in lists of quirky things you should do, but never bothered to find out where it was.  Happened across it and there was little chance I was walking past.  Just bobbed in for a cheeky amputation, as one does on a Saturday afternoon.

Rose theatre: Now the ignorance is pouring out.  I didn't realise that the Rose Theatre was an actual thing.  I knew it used to be a thing, but was blissfully unaware of its continued (sort of) thingness.

Maslenitsa. Nothing like celebrating the Russian Sun Festival on a grey and drizzly day.

Book of Mormon: I don't really need to say much about this as it's been hyped right up already.  The hype is entirely justified.  It is a lot of fun.

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