Monday, 14 November 2011

Didn't even see Batman

So, Gothenburg. That's not a place that's anywhere near as cool as the image of it I had in my head. I was thinking all gothic and artsy when really the whole town looks like it's come out of an Ikea catalogue. Being brutal, it seemed a little bit soulless.

The art gallery worked for me - who doesn't love a 6m tall, upside-down, rotating pole dancer? - and Haga had heart, but the rest of the town was just a constructionist patchwork of dreary straightline burbs and ugly industry. So today's top travellercliche tip - if you're going to Sweden, go to Stockholm.

In other news saw Scroobius Pip last week (sample line - 'a moustache is for life, not just for charity'). He was supported by B Dolan who I'd not heard of (despite him guesting on a Scroob song - I'm getting ignorant in my old age) but is really rather handy.

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