Friday, 21 May 2010

On the Road Again

I'd thought I'd use this blog to record all the witty goings on inside my head, so I could make scathing attacks on Government policies and generally witter away in a little egotistic bubble. It turns out that whilst I'm working writing a blog ranks somewhere between ironing bed sheets and dusting the skirting boards on my priority list.

So it's turned into another travel blog. How passée?

So then, tomorrow: I'm travelling on my own to a place on the verge of civil war, transferring to a place where I've previously been mugged then heading down a bumpy road on a sweaty bus to the middle of nowhere, where no one speaks English, where they don't have hot water or toilet paper and where I've previously had to go to hospital because an insect laid eggs in my brain.

Apparently that's not everyone's idea of an idyllic holiday. Prima Donnas.

Wish me luck.

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