Sunday, 25 May 2014
Craic to the Future

Friday, 23 May 2014
Heads are Turning Like Windmills
Happy Kate Tempest week. Her new album is out and, like everything else she does, is ace. Like a more poetic version of a grand don't come for free, albeit without the bangers.
I'm a bit worried about my theatre addiction. Four times in a week seems excessive.
Times two and three were superficially very similar. Both spartan family dramas in a domestic setting. Both minimalist productions in supercool theatres.
I've been keeping half an eye on Frantic Assembly since seeing them be amazing fifteen years back. This latest show had the obligatory impressive choreography but didn't quite blow my socks off.
A View from the Bridge was thoroughly sock off blowing. There's not much left of the run, so you may have to book your tickets now. Right now. Do it.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Gorgeous as the Sun at Midsummer
Still Stratford was lovely, full of parks and rivers and sun. I saw Shakespeare's grave and loads of shops with Shakespearean pun names. Didn't pass a Millets, but I'm fairly sure if I had the sign in the window would have said "Now is the Discount of our Winter Tents."
Whilst I was out west I visited Coventry for the first time. I don't mean to do it down, but I've probably been to prettier cities than Coventry. I almost felt like the big bright shiny sun was doing the city a disservice - I feel that the post communist chic would have benefited from snow. Or at least fog.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Feelgood Theatre
Bit of a contrast to the last theatre trip. I went to see The Play That Goes Wrong at the weekend. It made me laugh. A lot. Probably the most I laughed since the last time I saw Mischief Theatre do a something. They're touring at the moment - Essex types I urge you to go to see it in The Palace in June - everyone else you'll have to go to Darlington. Or wait til it gets another run in the West End in the Autumn. Either way see it.
Monday, 5 May 2014
A Local Post for Local People
Morning, happy bank holiday to you all. And apologies if this post is a bit Chelmsford-centric. Not certain why I feel like I need to apologise for that any more than my normal London-centric offerings, but I do. Something about the provincial hinterland, I guess.
Have you seen Smith Hughes Close? Of course you haven't. There is no reason why you should. It's off Kings Road, just up from the Coop. And it looks awesome. Hip architecture in a fairly grim estate. Is this the start of gentrification? Is it only a matter of time before the New Barn reopens as a gastropod and the phone unlocking shop starts selling pancetta?
Talking of pancetta, I went to Sapori for the first time this week. Thought I would try out that Tastecard thing. Turns out that 2 for 1 doesn't work if you double up on starters instead of getting dessert. That irked me more than it should. Especially as dessert starter was nowhere near as nice as starter 1. Crikey that's a middle class problem.